This November issue of FRAME is, in many ways, a first. Veering slightly from our primarily literary focus, we have taken this edition to expand our interdisciplinary approach in tackling a conversation that seems to lie at the heart of this holiday season: what does racism look like, and in particular, what does it look… Continue reading 27.2 | Racism in the Netherlands
Category: Issue
27.1 | Human Rights and Literature
Whereas the first declarations of human rights addressed the citizens of individual countries, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948) has transgressed national borders in addressing a universal community. Increasingly, universal human rights discourse has become the grounds on which we negotiate cultural and religious differences and base our common humanity. However, our assumed… Continue reading 27.1 | Human Rights and Literature
26.2 | Ecocriticism
Although ecocriticism already emerged as a field of study in the United States in the 1970s, the nowadays widely acknowledged global scale of the environmental crisis has contributed to the recent prominence of an ecocritical discourse. In the last decades ecocriticism has moved from the margins to a more central position within the humanities and… Continue reading 26.2 | Ecocriticism
26.1 | Apocalypse in Contemporary Culture
The word “apocalypse,” or, translated literally from Greek, “uncovering” is closely related to a sense of revelation. The reality is there—it merely demands a new way of seeing. As ingrained as they are in a wide range of both religious and secular thinking, images of the apocalypse perpetuate culture on a global scale: from Judo-Christian… Continue reading 26.1 | Apocalypse in Contemporary Culture
25.2 | Revolution
In 2012, the word ‘revolution’ crossed the globe rapidly, as the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring sparked protests and uprisings in different parts of the world. These contemporary events provide us with new means of looking at the significance of the term “revolution” itself. Are these revolutions? Is it perhaps necessary to reconsider our… Continue reading 25.2 | Revolution
25.1 | Narrating Posthumanism
Tracing the effects of novel technologies on human existence, posthumanism allows for, or stages, a reconceptualization of human identity. One might say that postmodernism previously posed a similar challenge to “the fixity of ‘human nature’” in emphasizing the fragmentary, non-fixed nature of human identity. This was reflected in the literature that went hand in hand… Continue reading 25.1 | Narrating Posthumanism
24.2 | Literatuur en Erotiek
Main Articles Frank Brandsma | Verlangen als verhaalmotor: lust, list en liefde in de middeleeuwse literatuurAbstract and PDF Bette Talvacchia | Bronzino’s Del Pennello and the Pleasures of ArtAbstract and PDF Anne Morey & Claudia Nelson | Phallus and Void in Kipling’s ”The Vampire” and Its ProgenyAbstract and PDF Bart Smout | Het ontklede woord: Literatuur en… Continue reading 24.2 | Literatuur en Erotiek
24.1 | Theory Today
Main Articles Birgit Mara Kaiser | Theory Today; Or, How are We to Read That?Abstract and PDF J. Hillis Miller | The Act of Reading Literature as Disconfirmation of TheoryAbstract and PDF Peter Brooks | Law and its Other in Literary TheoryAbstract and PDF Peter Lamarque | Prolegomena to Any Future Philosophy of LiteratureAbstract and… Continue reading 24.1 | Theory Today
23.2 | Literatuur en Muziek
Main Articles Howard Stern | On Mahler’s Cuckoos: Ironies of Text and MusicAbstract and PDF Gillis J. Dorleijn | Literaire muziek. Een demonstratie van een “intermediale” lectuur voorafgegaan door enkele opmerkingen over intermedialiteitAbstract and PDF Krisztina Lajosi | Wagner and the (Re)mediation of Art: Gesamtkunstwerk and Nineteenth-Century Theories of MediaAbstract and PDF Vincent Meelberg |… Continue reading 23.2 | Literatuur en Muziek
23.1 | Graphic Novel
Main Articles Yasco Horsman | Breakdowns! Het naleven van de strip in grafische romans van Spiegelman, Ware en ClowesPDF Jan Baetens | Strips en sequential art, een moeilijke relatiePDF Erin La Cour | Representation of Truth and Trauma in Personal Narrative: The In-Sight of Graphic NovelsPDF Alexander Venetis | Introducing Robert William Overweg: Between Subjectivity, Technology and… Continue reading 23.1 | Graphic Novel