Re-Mapping the “Shitopolis of Santiagony”: David Aniñir’s Proposal for a Borderized Mapuche Identity Abstract In the collection of poems Mapurbe: Venganza a raíz by the indigenous Chilean author David Aniñir, a renewed Mapuche-Indian identitary discourse is being created through re-mapping the Chilean capital of Santiago and its Mapuche inhabitants from a Thirdspace perspective. Aniñir provides… Continue reading 25.1 | Sara Luco
Category: 25.1 Narrating Posthumanism
25.1 | Lode Lauwaert
Masterclass | Erotiek en moderniteit Roland Barthes’ lezing van Sade In the middle of the last century many philosophers were interested in the novels of Marquis de Sade. These thinkersheld that Sade made us aware of the latent and cruel nature of human sexuality. This means that they rely on Sade to formulate a timeless,… Continue reading 25.1 | Lode Lauwaert
25.1 | Kiene Brillenburg Wurth and Inge van de Ven
Posthumously Speaking: Thanatography in a Posthuman Age Abstract In this article we explore thanatographic writing, fictional writings writing of and from death addressing the issue of survival, in the light of posthumanism and our current information age. We aim to show how thanatographic writing reveals deep-seated anxieties about storage, retrieval, memory and forgetting in the… Continue reading 25.1 | Kiene Brillenburg Wurth and Inge van de Ven
25.1 | David de Kam, Katrien van Riet and Hans Verhees
An interview with Manuela Rossini On March 1, 2012, Frame and David de Kam, a young scholar who wrote his thesis on the Grand Narrative of posthumanism, met with dr. Manuela Rossini. Dr. Rossini shared her views on posthumanism, interaction with other life forms, and a global ethics of difference. Manuela Rossini is an independent… Continue reading 25.1 | David de Kam, Katrien van Riet and Hans Verhees
25.1 | Francesca Ferrando
Towards A Posthumanist Methodology. A Statement. Abstract In the emerging field of Posthuman Studies, extensive debate has been formulated on what is Posthumanism. The main focus has been directed towards the contents and meanings of a posthuman paradigm shift, while the methodology employed to reflect upon has hardly been disputed. This statement argues the potential… Continue reading 25.1 | Francesca Ferrando