Abstract In this article the controversial character of Friday in the rewritten story of Robinson Crusoe Foe, is read as the remnant or l’objet petit a from the Lacanian symbolic realm to the real. The novel itself is read as an allegory of the symbolic coming of age of man where the inherent gap between… Continue reading Donata van der Rassel | What is left behind – The role of Friday in J.M. Coetzee’s Foe
Category: 19.1 Diversen
Joost Burgers | Tropes in Distention: Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of “Paradox” in Postwar America
Abstract In this article Burgers addresses the rather curious institutionalization of the American literary critical movement the New Criticism. The curiosity being that the New Critics developed the meat and bones of their critical doctrine before the Second World War, but only received wide-spread attention after the war. Of course, taking into account other factors,… Continue reading Joost Burgers | Tropes in Distention: Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of “Paradox” in Postwar America
Jürgen Pieters | The Powers of Fiction and the Conversation with the Dead
Abstract This paper deals with the topic of the conversation with the dead, taken as a shorthand for the practice of literary history. In previous publications, Pieters tried to outline a number of important issues that can be subsumed under this topic, all of them revolving around the idea that literary texts are supreme sources… Continue reading Jürgen Pieters | The Powers of Fiction and the Conversation with the Dead