In 2012, the word ‘revolution’ crossed the globe rapidly, as the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring sparked protests and uprisings in different parts of the world. These contemporary events provide us with new means of looking at the significance of the term “revolution” itself. Are these revolutions? Is it perhaps necessary to reconsider our common notions of revolution in order to grasp what is happening today? Moreover, what is the place and function of literature considering these developments? In this issue of FRAME, several students and academics take a closer look at what the perhaps over-used term revolution means when it is linked to literature, and how it is worked in this context.
Main Articles
Rita Sakr | Writing the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Visions and Realities
Abstract and PDF
Frans-Willem Korsten | Revolution Fabrication Convulsion: Bringing Art (Back) Down to Earth
Abstract and PDF
Joost de Bloois | Laten we proberen commmunist te zijn zoals Mallarmé”: Alain Badiou over politiek, kunst en poëzie
Abstract and PDF
Esfaindyar Daneshvar | Vestiges of the Iranian Revolution in Contemporary French-Persian Literature
Yaël van der Wouden | Unpacking the Activist Shtick: On the Representation (and Possibilities) of Activism in Popular Culture
Abstract and PDF
Luc Herman and Bart Vervaeck | The First Narratology Quartet Is an Upbeat Composition
Review of Narrative Theory: Core Concepts and Critical Debates .
Abstract and PDF