Tracing the effects of novel technologies on human existence, posthumanism allows for, or stages, a reconceptualization of human identity. One might say that postmodernism previously posed a similar challenge to “the fixity of ‘human nature’” in emphasizing the fragmentary, non-fixed nature of human identity. This was reflected in the literature that went hand in hand with this philosophical, perhaps even societal movement. Can we detect this same tendency in contemporary literature, the literature of the posthuman age. And when literature reflects posthuman discourse, how does it represent the blurring boundary between the human and technology that Graham talks of? Is the result utopian or dystopian? What can literature, or—considering the abundance of cinematic representations of the future merger of man and machine—film or other media, tell us about posthumanism’s broader implications on the level of human identity and human society? These are the subjects FRAME 25.1 analyses.
Main Articles
Francesca Ferrando | Towards A Posthumanist Methodology: A Statement
Abstract and PDF
Tom Idema | Transmuting Humans: Geonomics, Nomad Science and Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy
Abstract and PDF
David de Kam, Katrien van Riet and Hans Verhees | An Interview with Manuela Rossini
Abstract and PDF
Kiene Brillenburg-Wurth and Inge van de Ven | Posthumously Speaking: Thanatography in a Posthuman Age
Abstract and PDF
Lode Lauwaert | Erotiek en moderniteit. Roland Barthes’ lezing van Sade
Abstract and PDF
Sara Luco | Re-mapping the “Shitopois of Santiagony.” David Aniñir’s Proposal for a Borderized Mapuche Identity.
Abstract and PDF
Sven Vitse | Perfect World. Utopian fiction in China and the West
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