Main Articles
Casey Haskins | Literature, Autonomy and the Complexity of Aesthetics
Abstract and PDF
Anouk van der Pluijm | Hedendaags Engagement. Grote Ideeën in het Klein
Abstract and PDF
Marrigje Paijmans | De Zelfkant van de Ander
Abstract and PDF
Luc Rasson | Engagement als (Zelf)onthulling: Over Jonathan Littels Les Bienveillantes
Abstract and PDF
Charles Altieri | Why ”Appreciation” Ought to Be Revived as a Model for the Study of the Arts
Abstract and PDF
Emily Miles | Redrawing the Lines of Foreclosure: The Possibilities Presented by a Bakhtinian Outlook on the Novel
Abstract and PDF
Yra van Dijk | Merijn Schipper. Leegte, leegte die ademt. Het Typografische Wit in de Moderne Poezie (2006).