36.2 | Anna Ziering

“I Want Them To Feel Everything”: A Conversation with SfSx Creator Tina Horn

Sex is omnipresent in Tina Horn’s graphic novel series SfSx. Investigating consent and coercion, sex work and censorship, the demonization of female sexuality and the exercise of radical, gender-inclusive queer pleasure, SfSx de-sensationalizes kink without reducing its eroticism. Along the way, it offers a vision of the new worlds these complex intimacies might allow us to build. This conversation between Tina Horn and Anna Ziering, held across
2022 and 2023, considers SfSx as a queer and kinky subcultural text that participates in literary conversations about sex, power, race, and resistance. It contributes to the growing field of Kink Studies by asking questions about visual, artistic, and literary representations of sex, and the place and purpose of these texts within and outside the kink community. It also considers the roles that love and sex play in
politics, the power of bottoming, the interplay between state violence and BDSM erotics, and the possibilities and potential problems of sexual technology. Throughout this conversation, Horn considers how her dystopian sci-fi horror comics reflect and respond to the state of our world today.