FRAME turns 40!
This year marks 40 years of FRAME, and we would like to invite you to our anniversary event and launch party!
During the event, we will host a keynote lecture and panel discussion, with artistic intermezzos by musicians and poets. The keynote, titled “Sex and the Sanskrit Classics: Untranslatability, Code-switching, and Sexed-up Translations,” will be given by Dr. Maddalena Italia. The panel discussion, on celebration and cultural analysis, will feature Dr. Andries Hiskes, Carmijn Gerritsen (RMA Student), and Dewi Kopp (RMA Student). Additionally, we have organised a small fair where bookstores and publishers affiliated with us will display their wares, and where we will sell our own issues as well.
Event Details
Date: 25 June
Time: 18:30 – 22:00 (doors open at 18:00)
Venue: UCU Auditorium
Address: Kriekenpitplein 1, 3584 EC Utrecht
We would love for you to join us on this day, connect with fellow literary enthusiasts, and be part of the discussions and activities lined up for the day. There is no entry fee for the event. If you wish to make a donation, we would welcome these. If you wish to attend, please sign up at the link below – come and celebrate with us!