36.2 | Maddalena Italia

Sex and the Sanskrit Classics: Untranslatability, Code-switching, and Sexed-up Translations By looking at some unconventional and hitherto unstudied episodes in the modern reception history of two erotic stanzas ascribed toBhartṛhari—translated into French and Latin by Hippolyte Fauche,and into Hindi and English by Purohit Gopinath—this paper aims to complicate the narrative about the (un)translatability of sex… Continue reading 36.2 | Maddalena Italia

36.2 | Jennifer Jasmine White

‘The nature of flesh, which is to say, the world’ Reading Sex in the Angela Carter Papers This article seeks to recognise autofictional and autotheoreticalimpulses at play in the writings of Angela Carter (1940-1992). Inparticular, it presents a reading of Carter’s short story Flesh andthe Mirror, first published in 1974, alongside archival materials heldby the… Continue reading 36.2 | Jennifer Jasmine White

36.2 | Robert LaRue

No Shame in this Queer Thang: Sex, Place, and Belonging in Charles Rice-Gónzales Chulito This paper analyzes depictions of sex within Charles Rice-González’s novel, Chulito, which focuses on the sixteen-year-old Puerto Rican American Chulito as he grapples with the impact of his same-sexdesires on his place within his South Bronx community. I arguethat sex in… Continue reading 36.2 | Robert LaRue

36.2 | Foreword

Anasuya Virmani and Nienke Veenstra In the foreword to this issue, editors-in-chief Anasuya Virmani and Nienke Veenstra discuss sex, and introduce the articles making up this issue.

37.1 Get Lit: A Celebration Issue

To mark the festive occasion of our anniversary, we have devoted our latest issue to the issue of celebration: the many forms, rituals, and emotions of celebrating and commemorating. How do literary texts (de)construct or reinforce what we deem celebratory? What perspectives do we perpetuate with the traditions and rituals we uphold and write about?… Continue reading 37.1 Get Lit: A Celebration Issue

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