33.2 | War, Literature, and Law

This issue of FRAME, in collaboration with the OSL research group on Law, Literature and Society, will focus on the topic of “War, Literature, and Law.” The articles discuss the dynamics between the fields of literature and law as they intersect in making sense of, or in their impact on, the experience of war. How… Continue reading 33.2 | War, Literature, and Law

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33.1 | Perspectives of Urban Studies

In his 2015 text “The Aesthetics of Singularity,” Fredric Jameson finds the ontology of our era expressed in contemporary art installations. (1) Like Stanislaw Lem’s reviews of imaginary books that demonstrate how the idea of a book is just as consumable as the real book itself, art today is generated by a single idea that operates through its combined… Continue reading 33.1 | Perspectives of Urban Studies

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32.2 | Feminist Bodies

One week after the Dutch ‘Week of the Book’, and in the year we celebrate one hundred years of women’s voting rights in the Netherlands, FRAME presents the theme of their new issue: “Feminist Bodies”. The chosen theme of the Week of the Book was The Mother the Woman, intended to coincide with a year of looking back… Continue reading 32.2 | Feminist Bodies

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