27.2 | Lieke Schrijvers

Demonstrating Dutch: Nationalism and Cultural Racism in the 2013 Anti-Putin and Pro-Black Pete Protests in the Netherlands This article examines two separate events of 2013: the pro-Black Pete demonstration in the Hague and the anti-Putin demonstration in Amsterdam. By analyzing the contexts and bodies of these debates, this paper looks at several ways in which… Continue reading 27.2 | Lieke Schrijvers

27.2 | David Herbert

Racism in the Netherlands: A Social Scientific Analysis of the Dynamics of the Dutch Multicultural Backlash Why did the Netherlands reject multicultural policies in the mid-2000s? This article identifies a two-stage process: First, a discursive shift preceding policy change, enabled by a synergy between developments in media culture and “celebrity politicians,” who championed an anti-Islam… Continue reading 27.2 | David Herbert

27.2 | Guno Jones

Unequal Citizenship in the Netherlands: The Caribbean Dutch as Liminal Citizens This article discusses attempts to turn “Carribean Dutch” citizens into aliens by analyzing (the debates on) a bill initiated by Member of Parliament André Bosman in 2012. The bill in effect proposes the introduction of a distinction between first- and second-class citizens based on… Continue reading 27.2 | Guno Jones

27.2 | Zihni Özdil

“Racism is an American Problem”: Dutch Exceptionalism and the Politics of Denial Through various topical examples, this article expounds on how the cultural legacy of the Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade is institutionalized and permeates through Dutch society, while it is simultaneously being negated through the politics of Dutch exceptionalism and the ubiquitous myth of the… Continue reading 27.2 | Zihni Özdil

27.2 | Katrine Smiet

“Transatlantic Cross-Pollination”: 30 Years of Dutch Feminist Theorizing on Race and Racism The article provides an overview of theorizing on race and racism within Dutch feminist scholarship since the 1980s. In analyzing the scholarship, close attention is paid to the role scholarship from the United States has played in the development of intersectional theorizing in… Continue reading 27.2 | Katrine Smiet

27.2 | Aja Y. Martinez

Critical Race Theory: Its Origins, History, and Importance to the Discourses and Rhetorics of Race Critical Race Theory (CRT) originated in US law schools, bringing together issues of power, race, and racism to address the liberal notion of color blindness, and argues that ignoring racial differences maintains and perpetuates the status quo with its deeply… Continue reading 27.2 | Aja Y. Martinez

26.2 | Mariana Rosa

Bridging Opposites: An Ecocritical Approach to Mary Oliver’s Poetry This paper looks at the poetry of Mary Oliver from an ecocritical perspective, arguing that her poetry works to undo the dichotomous pair nature/self and the associated pairs: woman/man, body/soul. Most scholarship devoted to Oliver’s celebrated works has found it hard to categorize her production, and… Continue reading 26.2 | Mariana Rosa

26.2 | Almudena Claassen, Jette van den Eijnden en Merlijn Geurts

Transversal Ecocritical Praxis– An Interview with Patrick Murphy Dr. Patrick D. Murphy is a Professor and Chair of the Department of English at the University of Central Florida. He has authored Ecocritical Explorations in Literary and Cultural Studies (2009), Farther Afield in the Study of Nature Oriented Literature (2000), A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry… Continue reading 26.2 | Almudena Claassen, Jette van den Eijnden en Merlijn Geurts

26.2 | Simon C. Estok

Terror and Ecophobia The resurgence of terrorism and the increasing violence of our climate has ratcheted up the tone of urgency and crisis defining representations of nature: one of the results of this is that terror and ecophobia often define twenty-first-century representations of nature. Estok argues that media and academic conflations of devastating natural events… Continue reading 26.2 | Simon C. Estok

26.2 | Isabel Hoving

“Earthly Things”: Ecocriticism, Globalization, and the Material Turn This paper first offers a concise consideration of the most promising strands in ecocriticism and the environmental umanities today. Most of these, which are responding to environmental destruction and climate change, are characterized by an affinity with posthumanism and/or materialism (e.g. Alaimo, Colebrook, Morton), often in the… Continue reading 26.2 | Isabel Hoving