25.2 | Joost de Bloois

“Laten we proberen communist te zijn zoals Mallarmé”: Alain Badiou over politiek, kunst en poëzie Abstract De Franse filosoof Alain Badiou is een uitgesproken politiek denker. Hij plaatst zijn filosofie onder de conditie van de radicaalemancipatoire politiek die hij, nog altijd, de naam ‘communisme’ geeft. In zijn essay over Badiou’skunstheorie laat Joost de Bloois zien… Continue reading 25.2 | Joost de Bloois

25.2 | Frans-Willem Korsten

Revolution Fabrication Convulsion: Bringing Art (Back) Down to Earth Abstract In the course of the twentieth century art has been charged with ever higher requirements by artists and philosophers alike. Art is given a massive and pivotal task in the revolutionary opening up of a new world: to get us out of the instrumentalisation of… Continue reading 25.2 | Frans-Willem Korsten

25.2 | Rita Sakr

Writing the 2011 Arab Uprisings: Visions and Realities Abstract This essay briefly examines some of the myths and realities about agency in the revolutionary Arab republic of letters across which writers envisioned, fueled an shaped the cultural and political imaginary of the 2011 uprisingsacross the Arab world. These novelists contributed to the increasingly expanding world… Continue reading 25.2 | Rita Sakr