Noortje Kessels | De interventie van cyberpoëtica: Een analyse van Verhelsts roman Zwerm en Andrews’ digitale “Spas Text”

Abstract This article examines the intervening qualities of Peter Verhelst’s novel Zwerm and Jim Andrews’ digital text “Spas Text.” ‘Intervention’ is a relatively new concept which is mainly applicable to digital literature. In this article, intervention is linked to Deleuze & Guattari’s concepts of ‘territorializing’ and ‘deterritorializing.’ Comparing Zwerm to “Spas Text,” a digital text… Continue reading Noortje Kessels | De interventie van cyberpoëtica: Een analyse van Verhelsts roman Zwerm en Andrews’ digitale “Spas Text”

Samuel Vriezen | Totale verbinding: Flarf en de mogelijkheid van disruptie in een futloze wereld

Flarf is a recent form of American experimental poetry. It takes collages of Internet search results as a starting point to create texts constructed out of banalities. In its procedures Flarf seems to be an heir of Dada, but it can also be interpreted within a American poetic tradition of democratic representation that starts with… Continue reading Samuel Vriezen | Totale verbinding: Flarf en de mogelijkheid van disruptie in een futloze wereld

Kiene Brillenburg Wurth | Intermediality and Postmediality in Contemporary Cyberpoetry

Abstract In this article Brillenburg Wurth asks whether cyberpoetry is a rediscovery of modernistic experiments, a post- or multi-medial phenomenon. According to Inter mediality, Postmediality in Cyberpoetr y – 51 Brillenburg Wurth, cyberpoetry addresses differences between media, problematises them and does not commit to a single genre. She illustrates this with a specific kind of… Continue reading Kiene Brillenburg Wurth | Intermediality and Postmediality in Contemporary Cyberpoetry

N. Katherine Hayles | Distributed Cognition at/in Work Strickland, Lawson Jaramillo, and Ryan’s slippingglimpse

Abstract Slippingglimpse exemplifies how distributed cognition is being imagined and instantiated in contemporary electronic literature. The structure enacts a threefold recursive cycle between human and non-human cognizers in which the water ‘reads’ the poem text, the videography ‘reads’ the water, and the poem text ‘reads’ image capture technology. The work raises profound questions about the… Continue reading N. Katherine Hayles | Distributed Cognition at/in Work Strickland, Lawson Jaramillo, and Ryan’s slippingglimpse