

  1. The FRAME editorial board decides if and when an article will be published. The board also reserves the right to refuse publication of an article.
  2. The board reserves the right to modify manuscripts during final editing. The author will be asked to check and if necessary augment these changes before publication.
  3. Main section articles will be peer-reviewed by a member of our advisory board.
  4. Articles for the main section have a maximum word count of 6000 words, including bibliography. Masterclass articles have a maximum of 4000 words. Our main section is reseved for scholars with a doctoral degree – PhD candidates, independent researchers and master students are welcome to apply for our masterclass section.


In order to facilitate the final editing of an article, authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following formatting guidelines. These guidelines are based on the assumption that the author uses Microsoft Word as default text editor. In other cases, please adhere to these guidelines when applicable.

  1. The author is not bound to using a specific font type and/or markup. However, they should use the default setting as provided by Microsoft Word, regardless of how this default might be configured in her/his specific case.
  2. Please do not use any additional markup, i.e. leave the paragraph alignment, line spacing, font size, etc., to its default settings. The exceptions to this guideline are the following:
    • the title and subtitle of the article as well as paragraph headings within the article should be in bold
    • titles of books, periodicals etc., mentioned in the text should be italicized (see also Quotations and References)
    • emphasized words, phrases, etc., within the article should be italicized
    • words or phrases cited as linguistic examples, words referred to as words and foreign words should be italicized

Quotations and References

The guidelines concerning quotations and references are based on the MLA style convention described in the latest version MLA. The most common basic guidelines are explained below. When in doubt, please consult the Style Manual.

  1. Titles of books, periodicals, etc., mentioned in the text should be italicized; titles of articles, chapters in books, etc., should be put between double quotation marks.
  2. Quotations running under forty words should appear between double quotation marks. Longer quotations should be set off from the text using white lines; use no quotation marks.
  3. References to cited or paraphrased works should be placed between parentheses in the text. The information should include the author’s last name and the page number of the work cited. Include the first name of the author in case of two authors with the same last name. Place a comma and (an abbreviated version of) the title of the work in case of two works by the same author; format the title following the guidelines below. Author, title, or page number can be omitted from the reference if clearly identified in the text.
  4. The basic entry in the alphabetical list of works cited should be formatted as follows:
    • For books: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of chapter or section.” Title of the work, translated by or edited by First name Last name, vol. number, Publisher, Year the book was published, page number(s).
    • For online journal articles: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the article.” Title of the journal, First name Last name of any other contributors (if applicable), Version (if applicable), Numbers (such as a volume and issue number), Publication date, Page numbers. Title of the database, URL or DOI.
    • For websites: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the website, Name of the publisher, Date of publication, URL.
      NB: only the domain name is required when citing websites.


Every article should be accompanied by an abstract in English of approximately 100 words, as well as a short biography of the author containing field of study, institutional affiliations, major publications, etc., in approximately 50 words.

Authors are allowed to re-publish their articles after six months, with FRAME cited as the original source. All FRAME articles become open access after two years, through publication on our website.